As the school’s new principal’s assistant Alison Montgomery clicked send on a mass email to the pool of substitutes, she reflected on her new responsibilities.
After Pola-Michelle Alas left the position on Oct. 25, Montgomery took on the role as a change from her previous employment as the registrar for Silver Creek High School, where she worked for five years.
“I have to say, the first week I was like, ‘Oh my god,’” Montgomery said. “Trying to organize the subs, along with everything else, was very different from what I had done before. But we’re in the fourth week now and I’m starting to get all of that information down, so it’s definitely getting a little bit easier and less stressful for me.”
Her job as the principal’s assistant requires her to be very involved in and knowledgeable about the school. Aside from organizing the requests for and assignments of substitutes, she also works with budgets and makes arrangements for graduation and other school events.
So far, the most challenging part of her job has been the increased number of deadlines and spontaneous requests, especially in regard to substitutes, Montgomery said. Oftentimes, she will still be looking for substitutes with only around 10 minutes left to the beginning of class.
Despite these challenges, Montgomery said she was able to ease her way into her job due to the school’s respectful and friendly environment.
“The students here are wonderful; the ones that I’ve come in contact with are very polite,” Montgomery said. “The staff has been very welcoming in every aspect, and have always invited me to go to lunch with them and sit with them. It’s been very pleasant.”