Whenever I am running late to school, instead of packing my lunch, I shove a pack of applesauce in my backpack while I run out the door.
To me, applesauce pouches are the perfect balance of health, convenience and flavor. They are perfect to take on-the-go, have all of the fiber and nutrients that you would get by eating an apple, and, of course, taste great.
Though I am a vocal applesauce advocate, it doesn’t mean I love all applesauces equally. There are some versions of that even I find repulsive. Whoever created banana applesauce deserves jail time. The name is applesauce — not banana-applesauce — for a reason, and it should stay that way.
For several people, the idea of mashed apples may be off putting, but once you give it a try, the snack just might surprise you.