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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

David Dobrik posing at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.

The verdict on YouTuber David Dobrik’s wacky morning routine: not worth it

Christina Labban and Grace Lin June 3, 2024

David Dobrik, internet personality and YouTube vlogger, kicked off his career with Vine — a social media platform known for short, 10-second videos —  before starting his entertaining vlogging...

 A turtleneck constricts a womans neck.

Let’s leave turtlenecks in the past, where they belong

Sasha Prasad May 30, 2024

There are numerous awful trends that plague today’s fashion scene — barrel jeans, capri pants and socks with sandals, to name a few. But there is one that stands out above all: turtlenecks. From their...

The only playlist you’ll ever need.

Top 10: songs to listen to before you die

Emma Fung May 30, 2024

10. “Cursive” by Billie Marten (2015) While I have never had the patience to listen to slow songs, “Cursive” is one of the few exceptions, as Marten’s soft voice blends with the mellow  guitar...

Try it before you judge me…

Try a strange but delectable food combination: Doritos dipped in cupcake frosting

Alec Guan May 29, 2024

It’s universally acknowledged that the frosting to cupcake ratio on store-bought cupcakes is way too high for enjoyment; there’s simply too much sugary, oily frosting for the tiny, sweet sponge. To...

Running is a great way to recharge your batteries

Senior Mag 2024: When I can’t focus, I run for the hills

Daniel Wu May 29, 2024

Ever tell yourself that you’d “lock in” for your test tomorrow only to find yourself lazily swiping through your phone for the next three hours? Well, I might just have the perfect remedy to get...

A collection of a few crochet projects I’ve completed in my free time.

Senior Mag: What to do instead of studying  

Ariel Zhou May 29, 2024

As a student at a school brimming with academic demands and deadlines, I  often found the need to escape the confines of textbooks and lectures. When the call of procrastination rang loud, my mind...

A chart showing my top 25 most-played albums for the past month, as of May 9

Senior Mag 2024: A poser’s guide to niche metal subgenres

Andrew Lin May 25, 2024

For most of my life, my Spotify playlists have been pretty standard. I started off in middle school listening to EDM, quickly moving onto Queen and other old-school rock bands recommended by my dad. I...

Victoria and Sam waiting in the League of Legends lobby

Senior Mag 2024: Bonding over League of Legends

Sam Bai and Victoria Lin May 25, 2024

“You can never end on a loss.” That was our reasoning when we played League of Legends and lost, only to spend hours more playing the multiplayer game in search of victory. Whether we won or lost,...

Road trips: a once detested, but now beloved summer tradition

Road trips: a once detested, but now beloved summer tradition

Sasha Prasad May 20, 2024

On June 5, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school year. My fifth grade classmates joyously screamed — it was finally summer! But I couldn’t join in with their enjoyment; I only had one thing...

Sports Drinks

Top 10 sports drinks

Bill Huang May 20, 2024

10. Gatorade Zero/Powerade Zero: There's no difference — just get the regular one. 9. Muscle Milk: Protein. What else do you need? 8. Celsius: The best drink to get from the vending machine when...

I once burnt a brownie so badly that it turned into literal hell, blackened crust and all.

My stupid ‘cooking’ adventures as a kid

Beverly Xu May 8, 2024

My parents love telling me the story of how at age 2 I trained in earnest to become a chef every day. That is, clever little me used the toilet across the hall from my grandma’s room as my choice of...

Tofu is soy delicious.

We love tofu so much — you should too

Divya Vadlakonda and Isabelle Wang May 4, 2024

Imagine this: You are a very hungry caterpillar who cannot decide whether to eat something cold or warm, sweet or salty, a snack or a meal. However, if you choose to be certified Grade A fatty, you need...

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