- Shuffling Name Cards
Time to pretend that you’re studying your notes intensely and avoid any eye contact with the teacher. Ah, yes, I’m a good student who’s been following along with the lesson, please don’t call on me.
- The sound of your AirPods connecting
It’s either free work time, or you have a substitute teacher.
- Kahoot Music
The music is such a bop, time to take the competition way too seriously for a potentially expired bag of Cheetos.
- The Door Opening
Watching someone from the office walk through with a call slip, hoping that it’s your turn, but it never is.
- Your friend opening up snacks
Subtly reach your hand over and take a piece for yourself, after all, sharing is caring!
- SHSTV intro
Thank you for an upbeat, energetic song and video to end second period.
- Zipping up Backpacks
Yes, class doesn’t end for another 10 minutes. Yes, I could finish my homework in those 10 minutes, but am I going to? No. I’m going to sit in my seat and stare at the clock.
- We’ll be watching a movie today
Let me just put my head down to watch this more comfortably. Wait, there was a video guide?
- The Bell
Needs no elaboration.
- Fire Alarm
Upgrades to the school have seemed to lead to a lot of false alarms in recent years. There’s something about baking under the sun that makes those shrilling drills fun.