Former stage actor working as Activities Office secretary for SHS

April 6, 2011 — by Shivani Chadha and Karthik Sreedhara
Lamm June S

Activities Office secretary June Lamm

Dance forms, photos, paperwork for athletics, yearbook, payment to vendors and deposits for clubs and organizations—these and many more tasks keep Activities Office secretary June Lamm busy all day.

Dance forms, photos, paperwork for athletics, yearbook, payment to vendors and deposits for clubs and organizations—these and many more tasks keep Activities Office secretary June Lamm busy all day.

Lamm took the position as Activities Office secretary five years ago after leaving a similar job at an elementary school in Cupertino.

“My goal for my job is to stay on board with you guys,“ said Lamm. “I really try my best to make sure you guys have everything you need in terms of school activities.”

Lamm is known by many students on campus for collecting the school sports forms. According to Lamm, there are approximately 300 student forms per season, and she must collect and input club fees and dues and prepare and deposit funds, in addition to verifying that all forms have been turned in. She is also in charge of creating sports awards and certificates and creating lists of who and what sport will be named on trophies.

Lamm also manages all dance forms and bids. Lamm keeps track of the more than 2,000 forms by preparing spreadsheets and delivering data to assistant principal Karen Hyde.

“The challenge is coordinating all the dances, bids and preparing spreadsheets for the assistant principal while continuing to perform day-to-day duties,” said Lamm.

Lamm also supervises the selling of tickets for plays. Lastly, she is in charge of keeping track of each scholarship account and the interest accrued for each account.

In her free time, Lamm strives to stay fit and also enjoys listening to the same music that many students listen to.

“I love all kinds of music from country and western to show tunes to Lady Gaga,” said Lamm. “Growing up, we always had music in our house. I think that’s what spawned my love of music.”

Lamm, when in high school, spent her free time in the drama department setting up stages and helping actors get ready for shows.

“When I went to De Anza, my love of acting really kicked in,” said Lamm. “I was actually the runner-up for the lead role in one of the plays.”

After high school, Lamm spent a summer in an acting troupe called the Clay Pippers that put on plays in Dry Town near Jackson, Calif. Lamm then began working in the private sector in human resources as a benefits coordinator, where she assisted people with medical benefits.

Lamm began working in Saratoga after her kids began attending Saratoga schools and she “decided it was my time to do something different.”

According to Lamm, her work in acting has greatly helped her in her job today.

“My acting work helped me become more outgoing,” said Lamm. “I’m a people person and I like talking to others. I think this is the biggest benefit about my acting career.”

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