Top 10 fonts

March 23, 2022 — by Andrew Lin and Atrey Desai
Fonts have feelings and we just hurt them

10. Courier Prime. The typewriter style looks interesting, but isn’t very practical for most purposes, unless you’re writing a screenplay

9. Helvetica. It’s just an Arial clone with a longer name. There is no point switching to Helvetica when Arial is selected by default

8. Comic Sans. A font universally loved by all

7. Wingdings. If you can read this good job. I hope you’re having a good day!

6. Impact. Throwback to the 2013 memes

5. Oswald. Unique, compact style, but does not perform well when used in body text because it is so narrow.

4. Verdana. Similar to Arial, but its wider appearance makes it more unique and easy to read.

3. Times New Roman. Used in MLA format, it’s nice, concise and professional

2. Arial. Google’s default font is relatively large, perfect for filling up those pesky 2-page assignments.

1. Minion Pro. The font is used for The Saratoga Falcon’s body text, making it objectively the best font.


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