How to ask your date to winter formal

November 13, 2009 — by Serena Chan and Ashley Tang

With Winter Formal coming up, more and more people are racking their brains trying to think up a "good' way" to ask their date to the dance. Most people don't have enough money to buy a private jet and fly it over school during lunch with a banner attached saying: "Will you go to Winter Ball with me?". For most of us who cannot afford such extravagance, here are a few priceless ways to ask your crush, whether a girl or a guy, to Winter Ball:

With Winter Formal coming up, more and more people are racking their brains trying to think up a “good’ way” to ask their date to the dance. Most people don’t have enough money to buy a private jet and fly it over school during lunch with a banner attached saying: “Will you go to Winter Ball with me?”. For most of us who cannot afford such extravagance, here are a few priceless ways to ask your crush, whether a girl or a guy, to Winter Ball:

The Bold: Burst into her first-period class and attempt to serenade her. Have some roses in your mouth and bring a boombox playing cheesy music. It might be a good idea to check beforehand with the teacher and find out where she sits so you don’t look clueless while you search for the right person.

The Sweetie: For each of her classes, leave some Hershey’s kisses on her desk which spell out your message one word per class. Remember, chocolate is the key to success.

The Shy: Even if you are absolutely terrified, the least you could do is leave a personal note in her locker. Please, please don’t text, IM, or Facebook it.

The Creative: Find an inside joke that you both share and incorporate it into your plan. (If you don’t have any, she’s not worth asking).

The Cool: Show up in a suit, tie and aviators, pull a James Bond move by asking her with style. Or, get Mr. Bosco to ask her for you.

The Creeper: Stalk her until you find her alone; then tap her on the shoulder and surprise her. This could go wrong—make sure your girl won’t flip out.

The Direct: This one is both the simplest and the hardest, unless you have guts. Just look her in the eyes and ask.

No matter what your style is, make it personal. Know what your girl likes whether it’s a public invitation, sweets or a secret note. Put time and effort into your planning; after she says yes, all you have to do is sit back and wait for winter formal to come around.

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