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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

School to compete in annual physics bowl

Students have the chance to participate in the first and only round of Physics Bowl sometime between April 1- 17. Unlike other bowls, which consist of teams competing against each other by buzzing in and answering questions, Physics Bowl is a single multiple-choice test. The test has mathematical, conceptual and trivia questions.

No tryouts will be held; anyone who wants to participate in Physics Bowl can automatically take the test. The school will then enter the top five test scorers into the national competition, and winners will be announced in May.

Last year, the school placed fifth nationally in the division for students in a second-year physics class. Junior Kristine Zhang, who had not taken any school physics class at the time, tied for the highest score in Western Region.

“I think it would be nice to make it to the top five of the school again,” Zhang said. “As a school, I think we’ll do better this year because we have six semi-finalists in Physics Olympiad.”

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