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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

ASB election results announced for 2014-15 school year

Five new students have been voted into ASB for the 2014-15 school year and are bringing new ideas to the school. 

Junior Adrienne Kim will be president, sophomore Luke Salin will be vice president, sophomore Aakash Thumaty will be treasurer, sophomore Nihar Agrawal will be secretary and junior Neel Kattumadam will be board representative. The results were announced on April 30.

“Some of the ballots were really close — [some] of the closest we’ve ever had,” elections commission member Josh Pi said.

Kim will be the first female ASB president since Haley Zarrin in 2010. Kim said one of her main goals for the next year is to increase school spirit.

“I think the big thing will be to increase school unity and spirit,” Kim said. “Hopefully I can be a good example with the rest of the school’s leadership positions so people want to participate, too.”

Kim said that, at the moment, there are no large changes that she wants to implement, but she does hope to get more students involved in school functions down the road.

Salin said he is looking forward to his new role next year and will focus his efforts on all students rather than just his class.

He plans to create a student wellness commission to “focus on academic stress and other serious problems on campus” and also sees student involvement in the school as an area for improvement.

“I’m pumped because I think there is a lot more that needs to be done with school spirit,” Salin said. “I’m pumped; I’m excited. We’re going to do lots of great changes, shake it up.”

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