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The Saratoga Falcon

Glee guitarist to judge Saratoga Idol

The stage is set for one of the most notable events of the year: Saratoga Idol, to take place on Nov. 14 in the McAfee Center, is back, but with a twist.

This year, lead guitarist Derik Nelson from the popular television show “Glee” will be on the judging panel along with Saratoga teachers. The lucky winner of Idol, along with last year’s winner sophomore Nina Nelson, will get to sing with Derik Nelson during a fundraising concert he will be giving on the next day at 7 p.m., also in the McAfee.

“We wanted [a] good incentive, and drama teacher Sarah Thermond helped set it up and make it possible,” junior class president Adrienne Kim said. “It’s kind of exciting, the idea of [the winner] performing with someone professional.”

In addition to appearing on “Glee” every week, Derik Nelson has also sung on FOX's "Raising Hope" and "New Girl," CBS’s “How I Met Your Mother,” NBC’s “Go On” and “The Voice,” and his original music has been featured on the WB hit TV series "Felicity," as well as the feature film “Commencement.”

“I think having Derik at Idol will add a new layer to the competition,” Thermond said. “We have incredibly talented students who always give their best at Idol, and I think it will be wonderful for them to have a chance to get feedback from someone who has actually made a living with music.”

Nelson’s special performance at the school is one of 30 concerts he is giving on his Take Chances Tour of high school auditoriums along the West Coast to help raise money for their arts and music programs. According to his website, the tour was launched in order to “advocate and enforce the importance of the arts as a foundational pillar of public education.”

“So many artists are inspired to start their work while they are still students themselves, and I think his team’s effort to support and encourage those students is really amazing,” Thermond said.

Thermond, who went to college with Nelson and has attended several of his concerts before, said she reached out to his tour and decided to combine the event with Idol. Tickets will cost $15, and a portion of the sales will benefit the school’s visual and performing arts programs.

In addition to his concert, Thermond said that Nelson will also be holding a master class on Nov. 13 during tutorial to share his experiences and advice about the entertainment industry.

“For many of our students interested in performing or otherwise becoming part of an entertainment career, his story is really inspiring,” Thermond said. “It is a very cool chance for the students to get input from someone who turned performing in high school into a successful career.”

Auditions for Idol and a chance to sing with Nelson are scheduled on Nov. 30 in the choir room. As in years past, 10 to 12 students will be chosen to compete in the showdown.

Among the prospective competitors is junior Supriya Khandekar, who participated last year and looks forward to trying out this year. Khandekar looks forward to the possibility of being judged by the “Glee” celebrity.

“I think that it is an extremely motivational incentive,” Khandekar said. “We may get a lot more people to try out.  All the participants will be very excited to see the lucky winner.”

Hamilton, who also judged Idol last year, said she looks forward to participating as a judge again.

“I did it for the first time last year and had a blast,” Hamilton said. “Students are so talented. It was really cool to see some students I have had perform and shine in a different light.”

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