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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Club creates Saratoga Falcon app for iPhones

Recently, the Application Developers Club released the Saratoga Falcon app for iPhones. In the app, people can view all of the stories that have been uploaded to the Saratoga Falcon website.

The stories on the app range from news to opinion to sports, separated by section.

Club president senior Sujay Khandekar said that the club first started thinking of developing the app this semester. Senior Eugene Che had previously created the app for Androids, and the club wanted to expand it to encompass more smartphones.

Freshman Spencer Yen took the reins in the actual creation of the iPhone app. It took Yen two to three months to develop it, which, according to Khandekar, was impressive.

“[Yen’s] learning curve is extremely incredible,” Khandekar said. “He learned to master it, and he figured it out.”

The idea for the app first stemmed from a respect for the school newspaper, and Khandekar was looking for a new project for the club since he created the SHS App last fall.

“The club is all about trying to help the community and help the school out,” Khandekar said. “We wanted something that would look cool and help the school as well. [The newspaper staff does] a great job here; why not digitize all [its] articles?”

According to Khandekar, the most challenging part in developing the app was linking it to the Falcon database.

“Connecting to the database was really hard because it’s kind of new to all of us,” Khandekar said. “But [Yen] is a smart guy and figured it out.”

Khandekar looks forward to the app becoming more popular.

“It’s an unbelievable app, and [people] can have a lot of fun with it,” Khandekar said.

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