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The Saratoga Falcon

History teacher shares love of basketball

It’s a heated basketball game between Saratoga High and Redwood Middle school. Momentum has shifted, and all of a sudden Redwood, with a few quick buckets, seems to be catching up. History teacher Jerry Sheehy dribbles the ball upcourt, trotting confidently. Sheehy slows down, hesitates, and pulls up a good foot from the three-point line. Cash, money — gold. Three points for Saratoga. 
Any run by Redwood has been quickly reversed. 
Sheehy, who has been playing basketball since grade school, is an avid player. At the SHS-Redwood charity game on Feb. 27, many students were surprised to find out that their history teacher was actually athletic.
“He was really aggressive, which I don’t see much when he’s teaching. He was really into the game,” said sophomore Sabrina Chen.
Sheehy played recreational basketball as a power forward in local leagues throughout grade school. He has been cultivating his skills since. 
As a young child, Sheehy enjoyed watching NBA games and following popular players. He was raised by a “diehard Warriors fan.”
Sheehy also watched Larry Bird, Earvin “Magic” Johnson and Michael Jordan growing up. His favorite player during his childhood was Purvis Short, also known as “Never Nervous Purvis,” who played for the Golden State Warriors.
Currently, Sheehy’s favorite players are Warriors star point guard Steph Curry and L.A. Lakers point guard Steve Nash, even though he is on the Warriors’ rival team. 
 “I was fortunate enough to go to college with Steve Nash — he was a year ahead of me so I knew him a little bit,” Sheehy said. “I have a friend who is good friends with him, and obviously as an alum of Santa Clara, I’m proud of the success he’s had.”
Although he did not play in college, Sheehy did play on intramural teams as well as in men’s leagues. He now plays two to three times a week in a men’s league called Campbell Men’s Rec along with teacher Mike Davey and school psychologist Michael Slone.
“He’s really talented and a really good passer. He understands the flow of the game and where to be on the court,” Davey said. “If you leave him open, he always knocks down shots, so you can’t leave him open.” 
Sheehy added that basketball is a great way to stay fit and a good alternative to working out at a gym. 
“I think it’s the best workout you can get and I enjoy it much more than simply going to the gym or running or exercising,” Sheehy said.
In addition, he explained that when he was younger, he enjoyed basketball because of the team aspect.
“[Being on a team] is one of the fun things about basketball,” he said. “[I also enjoy] working with people closely, and the need for teamwork and cooperation.”
In addition, Sheehy loves the element of competition that comes with being on a basketball team. This year, his favorite moment playing on a team was the Redwood-SHS basketball game.
“It was fun to play with the other teachers, and it was fun to have so many people show up,” Sheehy said. “I am still so surprised seeing many people come up to watch us old guys play.”
Sheehy hopes to play basketball for years to come, as it will always be a hobby for him.
“I try to play as much as I can. It just depends on my obligations as a dad, as a teacher and as a husband,” Sheehy said.
In the future, he would love to share his passion with his sons, ages 2 and 4.
“I just want to play as long as I can so that one day maybe I can play with my boys,” Sheehy said.
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