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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Girls’ swimming prepares for CCS

With the girls’ swim season coming to a close, the Falcons are now preparing for CCS, which will be held at the International Swim Center in Santa Clara on May 11. 
Before a big meet, such as CCS or League Championships, swimmers prepare by tapering, a term used to describe practice sets with high intensity and low yardage. They are also eating balanced and healthy diets.
“I have kind of a two day purge, where I don’t eat any junk food,” said senior Suzannah Osekowsky, who swims the 100-yard backstroke. “Fruits, vegetables, and lots of carbs.”
Osekowsky has faith in the girls who will be attending CCS.
“We have some amazing swimmers who I think will do very well [in CCS],” Osekowsky said.
On April 25, the Falcons faced Monta Vista and Los Altos in their only tri-meet of the season. Because of the lack of swimmers, the Falcons fell 123-52 to Monta Vista and 130-52 to Los Altos.
However, several swimmers made CCS cuts for individual events and relays. Senior Stephanie Chen, juniors Nikki de Roos and Janey Heyman and sophomore Shelby Sellers qualified for CCS in the 200-yard medley relay, an event that involves all four strokes in addition to getting a best time in the event. 
Chen also achieved CCS times in the 200-yard freestyle and 500-yard freestyle events. Sophomore Yayla Sezginer qualified for the 500-yard freestyle as well as the 100-yard backstroke. 
A second relay team, including Chen, de Roos, Heyman and sophomore Amanda Moriarty, made CCS cuts in the 200-yard freestyle relay. 
“I’m really satisfied with this season,” said Chen. “Everybody has improved so much.”
The April 25 meet was the senior meet, the last meet before Leagues for Chen, as well as the rest of the seniors. 
The seniors were awarded candy necklaces and posters. On Friday, April 26, they dressed up with hula skirts and leis, celebrating a Hawaiian-themed day.
“It was nostalgic. It’s been four years of lots of swim practices and not getting [absences after missing practices], but I wouldn’t have stuck with it if I didn’t enjoy it,” Osekowsky said. “This year, it was really nice to meet all the new people and I hope that they have as much fun as I did.”
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