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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Benefit fashion show a runway to success

On April 6, family and friends filled the many seats stationed around a runway in the Large Gym to watch around 140 student models support a worthy cause. This year, the eighth annual Benefit Fashion Show raised money for the American Cancer Society in memory of longtime art teacher Steve McCue, who passed away from a rare form of lung cancer in early January at age 48.
According to senior head commissioner Megan Doles, the show had a large turnout, raising around $5,500.
“[We had to] bring in extra chairs because so many people ended up coming,” Doles said.
Doles attributed the event’s success to the advanced preparation of the senior commissioners, Seralyn Fields, Nadya Shahin, Haley Wong and Doles. 
“We saw how chaotic [procrastinating] could be,” Doles said, “so we really made an effort to make sure we started last year during our junior year to make sure everything got together, and we got all the stores we wanted.”
The models borrowed clothing from stores including Tuxedo Warehouse, David’s Bridal, Kitsch Couture, Ella, Francesca’s and Old Navy. However, Doles said finding businesses who were willing to participate was a difficult process.
“We got a lot more ‘nos’ than we did ‘yeses,’ and so we had to go around asking clothing stores to borrow their clothes,” Doles said.
During the show, the audience could enjoy snacks and drinks at the back of the gym and participate in additional auctions and raffles to contribute to the same cause. Local businesses and Saratoga families donated all gifts and snacks.
Junior Melissa Szenda, who participated in the show as a model, said that the students modeled several fun themes including “Girl’s Night Out,” “First date,” “Bromance,” “Prom,” “Boho,” and “Rock n roll.” Eleven elementary school students also modeled for a special runway for younger children.
Szenda, as a first-time model, said she enjoyed being part of the successful event.
“Everyone cheered, and it was a really cool event,” Szenda said. “I thought it was awesome how so many people showed up to it because I had never even gone to it before. It was really cool to see all the support that we had.”
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