The Student News Site of Saratoga High School

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

School website experiences change in layout

On Jan. 31, students visiting the school website noticed a dramatic change. The now-red website has a new appearance and format.

After four years of the same website design, IT manager Julie Grenier said that it was time for a change.

“At first, we just wanted to change the navigation bar,” Grenier said. “[But] then we decided we wanted a whole new look for the website.”

Grenier said that a small team of teachers and administrators contributed input to the design.

According to Grenier, the team decided to remove some of the quicklinks on the home page, make the event calendar more prominent and redesign the navigation bar to make it easier for students to find what they are looking for.

Grenier said that the actual coding was done by the company that the school employs, Edlio. The company created many mock designs for the team to choose from.

There was a lot of “back and forth” communication between the company and team, Grenier said. At one point, the font that the company had chosen looked “very Disney,” which the team ultimately decided against. 

“Originally we were going to keep the site blue, but at the very last minute we decided to change the color to red because we found a shade of red we really liked,” Grenier said. “It seems that the response has been positive.”

The website is not completely finished and the there are still minor changes to be made. For example, Grenier said that she is still looking for new photos to display on the website.

“We are still in the process of tweaking some things,” Grenier added. “So if anyone has suggestions to improve the website, please let us know.”

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