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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Girls’ water polo: Seniors finish off last season as league champions

On Nov. 2, the girls’ water polo team triumphed over Harker 11-9. This victory allowed the team to tie with Harker for first place in the El Camino League and brought their total league record to 9-3. Top scorers included seniors Claire Schwartz and Stephanie Chen, junior Nikki de Roos and sophomore Mackenzie Rosenthal. 

The team lost to Monta Vista 7-4 on Oct. 23, but scored big victories against Cupertino 15-1 and 22-0 on Oct. 25 and Oct. 30, respectively, rising to second place.

Although the teams were co-league champions, Saratoga was not invited to compete in CCS because teams were chosen to participate in CCS before the league tournaments.

Nevertheless, the girls said the key to their success was consistent teamwork.

“The team really came together as a family,” senior goalie Maddie Buchanan said.

Additionally, team captains Buchanan and senior driver Seralyn Fields motivated and pushed the players to do their best.

“I make sure the team stays focused and continues to keep up our energy and drive throughout games and practice,” Fields said. “Sometimes I have to play the bad guy.”

As a captain, Buchanan made sure she was available if players had a problem or needed help. She also relayed messages between  players and coaches.

Though the team worked hard in the pool, Fields said there were many times between tournament games when they could just relax and be themselves with each other.

“I will really miss all the team lunches and dinners, as well as all the bonding in and out of the pool,” senior set Kate Belotti said.

Fields said she will miss the players the most after she graduates.

“I have some of my closest friends on the team, and it’s hard to know I won’t get to see them every day next year,” she said.

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