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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Finally … redemption for the class of 2014

Todd Nguyen

Juniors Steven Cho, Jason Li and Mothith Subbarao perform during the Junior Quad day. 

On the night of Oct. 10, Facebook was inundated with posts from juniors calling for redemption. One day later, Facebook was once again covered with joyful status updates about the success junior quad day.

The class of 2014 has faced numerous Homecoming struggles for the past two years. During freshman year, they were disqualified for enlisting parental aid in decorations. As sophomores, they were disqualified because of inappropriate jokes in the their quad day skit.

This year, they were determined not to repeat their former mistakes.

“We all wanted [the quad day] to turn out well, or at least to show the other classes we could create a decent quad day,” junior My-Lan Le said.

Under the leadership of junior class president Anup Kar, the juniors created a skit about Indiana Jones, played by junior Ivan France, and the search for Saratoga’s hidden treasure.

Supplemented by dances to “We Run the Night” by Havana Brown, “PYT” by Michael Jackson, “I Can Only Imagine” by Chris Brown and “Ray Bands” by B.o.B, the juniors reshaped their former reputation as the “DQ’ed class” and showed their class spirit.

“The juniors used the idea of redemption to rally other students to participate in dances and decorations,” Le said.

However, redemption was not the only thing on the juniors’ minds.

“Most people would think that all I  [wanted] is for [the junior class] to not get disqualified,” Kar said. “But I [had] high expectations for everyone in our class because I [knew] how great it [could] be when we all [came] together.”

Kar’s post to the junior class Facebook group reflects the new image the class of 2014 strives to show.

“We've always been an amazing class, and we always have had super talented people in it,” he posted. “All we needed to do was make it apparent, and we really did that with this quad day.”

The juniors are planning to continue this upward trend for their senior year as well.

“I can guarantee you that next year’s quad day will be the best quad day that SHS has ever seen,” Kar said.

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