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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Alumna returns to school as new attendance technician

Over a decade ago, alumna Mandy Armes (then known by her maiden name Manousos) participated in the dance commission, served as a class representative and was even in the Homecoming court.  This August, Armes came back to the school she calls home to serve as attendance technician.

After graduating from the school in 2001 and San Jose State University in 2005, Armes was a substitute teacher at SHS and Los Gatos for six years.

“I wanted to experience working in schools before I committed to it full time,” Armes said.

In 2011, Armes decided she needed a change in pace, so she started working as an assistant teacher at a private elementary school. But after only one year, she missed the high school’s environment.

“I know it was only a year, but still it’s like home here,” Armes said. “I also wanted to still work in a school environment but not necessarily as a teacher. When this job [as attendance tech] came up, I jumped at the chance.”

Though it has been over a decade since she graduated, Armes says it still feels awkward to be working with some of her former teachers.

“When I first started subbing in 2005, I was just out of college so it was really weird,” Armes said. “I would come back in and still call them ‘Mr. and Mrs.’ ”

Armes said it is a little better now because more time has passed since she was in high school.

She said the campus has changed significantly since her years at school. For example, she is glad a new science building has been built because she used to take biology in teacher Steve McCue’s art room. Furthermore, Armes said technology has altered many aspects of the school, from the newly established Media Arts Program to the mere act of taking attendance.

“When I was here for high school we had the office aids–I was one–fill in little bubbles to check off who was here,” Armes recalled. “I would go around to pick up all the attendance from all the classrooms.”

Although many changes have taken place since Armes went to high school, she is excited to be working at the place where some of her best memories took place.

“High school is one of the best times in your life,” Armes said. “Savor it.”

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