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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Girls’ XC train for upcoming season

Coach: Danny Moon

2011 record: The team placed fourth at CCS.

2011 recap: Each of the 20 returning athletes had a minimum of five personal records throughout the season.

Star players: Last year, senior Maya Nag made it to the state competition, and sophomores Carolyn Qi and Christine Schlossareck competed on the varsity team.

Key additions: Freshman Fiona Sequeira and Stephanie Ouchida.

Key upcoming meets: Crystal Springs in Belmont (2.95 miles), Baylands in Sunnyvale (5K), CCS in Toro park on Nov. 10

After a successful season in 2011, the girls’ cross country team ran its first meet on Sept. 5 at Lynbrook High School with almost double the number of last year’s athletes and perhaps even double the excitement.

“We have a very excited team,” coach Danny Moon said. “I think everybody wants to have fun and they know we have fun out here as a team.”

Cross country captain, senior Courtney Schlossareck, said there are 65 girls on the team this year, a substantial increase from last year’s 38 athletes.

“It’s the most people we’ve had while I’ve been on the team,” Schlossareck said. “I think the increase will bring a lot of competition to varsity, which is good because it’ll help the team train harder.”

The other two captains, juniors Susanna Lee and Casey Takahashi along with Schlossareck, look forward to leading the team to success.

“I’m really excited about this season because we have a big team, and everyone is really committed to improving,” Takahashi said. “I can’t wait to see the great things this team will accomplish.”

In order to prepare for the season, Moon said the girls have been training hard since Aug. 13 by running long distances daily and doing core workouts after runs.

In addition to training, Moon said the team has “become a single unit” by running together in groups, and participating in spirit days.

“Our team is the universe, and all the athletes are the stars up in the sky,” Moon laughed. “And I’m the moon they revolve around.”

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