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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Field hockey defeats top opponents

Last week was eventful for the girls field hockey team. The team beat two top teams, Presentation on Oct. 12 and Saint Francis on Oct. 14, putting them in a good position for the rest of the season.

The Falcons won the game against Presentation 2-1. Juniors Jenni Miller and Courtney Ruppel scored.

According to Coach Leaf Huynh, though, the players did not get their usual warm-up in before game against Presentation, which affected how the team played in the game.

“It is promising and encouraging to know that even though we did not play our best hockey we were still able to finish a goal and come out with a win,” Huynh said.

During the game against Saint Francis, senior captain Anna Ashe scored the only goal in the first half to give the Falcons a lead. They held off the Lancers on defense for 37 minutes and defeated them 1-0.

The game was filled with yellow cards, with two for the Falcons and one for Saint Francis.

“The team is continuing to grow mentally tougher,” Huynh said. “With the two yellow cards given out at critical times in the second half, the defense held up strong.”

Huynh believes that the team will continue to improve.

“We’re continuing to build on all our games, wins included,” Huynh said.

The team has a 3-2-4 record as of Oct. 14 and will play Los Gatos and Mitty next week.

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