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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Field hockey: Recent wins encourage team

The field hockey team is on a winning streak, having defeated three of the four teams they have faced in the last two weeks, as of Oct. 22.

One such win was against Saint Francis on Oct. 14. The Falcons lost to the Lancers 0-4 the first time the teams played, but came back to beat them the second time 1-0. Senior co-captain Anna Ashe scored the Falcon’s only goal.

Senior co-captain Abby Williams said that the win against was a big accomplishment for the team.

“The Saint Francis game is my favorite win so far. We scored in the first half and we managed to play strong defense and keep the lead for the game,” Williams said.

Junior co-captain Hannah Johnson agreed with Williams.

“The game almost slipped away from us but we pushed through and finally got it together in the end to win,” Johnson said.

After tying for the second time to Gilroy on Oct. 17, the Falcons faced Los Altos on Oct. 19 and beat them in overtime 1-0, after tying the team the first time 0-0.

Coach Lifon Huynh said that has team deserved these recent wins and are in a good place for the rest of the season. She said that the team has greatly improved throughout the season so far.

“[The players are] growing confident in their play and being disciplined to make smart decisions and clean tackles with the ball,” Huynh said. “They are building on, trusting, listening and following through with tactics and strategy which immensely impacts the outcome of the games.”

The Falcons placed fourth in the league at the halfway point of the season, Oct. 14, but recent games may have improved their record.

“I do not want to emphasize our ranking too much as the team can get wrapped up in that and not play as composed as usual,” Huynh said. “It is well-deserved and earned, and I’m excited for the team.”

Huynh said that the team has a good chance of making it to CCS, but believes the team needs to maintain consistency.

“Ultimately, it will be up to the team when they step on the pitch to take what we’ve done in practices, apply it to the game and be coach-able when there is strategy I see fit on my end,” Huynh said.

Williams has never been to CCS before, but like Huynh, said the this could be the year for field hockey.

“[The season] exceeded my expectations,” Williams said. “I think we have a solid chance at making it to CCS this year. We have beaten some really strong teams and our record is pretty good.”

The Falcons had a game against Leigh on Nov. 2 that could not be covered by this publication.

They will be playing Presentation on Nov. 4.

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