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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Link Crew lunch floats to success

Root beer floats, a picnic-style lunch and the opportunity to spend time with their Link Leaders attracted more than 300 freshmen to the upper field for the first annual Link Crew lunch on Oct. 12.

This event was a departure from the usual after school Link activities, which are often difficult for students to attend due to conflicts with other activities such as sports and clubs.

“We thought a lunch event would be easier to attend. We are hoping for more involvement and attendance from Link groups as everyone is here on campus,” Link adviser and guidance counselor Lisa Kellert said.

The lunch social was designed to fall during the ninth week of school in order to check up on how well freshmen are adjusting to high school midway through the first semester.

“We wanted this casual event to be fun for Link groups to reconnect, catch up and have a relaxing lunch together,” Kellert said. “We hope that by now the freshmen feel connected to the school and part of the school community.”

The immensely popular root beer floats required seven tubs of ice cream and about 20 bottles of root beer by the end of the event. Some Link Leaders even brought pizza and other refreshments for their groups.

“I thought it was fun and I liked being able to see my Link Leaders again,” freshman Neha Anand said. “I see them around schools sometimes but during the lunch social we were actually able to talk and interact with them.”

Senior Vivian Hsu echoed Mohan’s sentiments that the event was enjoyable for all who came. However, Hsu does note that because her Links did not attend the event wasn’t fun for her personally.

“Some of my kids just came for root beer and left and others did not even come at all so I was bored but those Link Leaders whose students did come had a good time,” said Hsu.

Kellert attributes the success of the event to the fact that it was held during lunch, the free food and the good weather.

“The event was hugely successful and our expectations were not only met, but exceeded as turn out and participation were so high,” Kellert said. “We would love to have this event again next year.”

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