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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Field hockey beats Los Gatos 1-0

Last Wednesday the girls varsity field hockey team played a tough game against Los Gatos to beat their rivals 1-0.

Senior captain Anna Ashe scored Saratoga’s only goal on a cross from junior Megan Doles. Juniors Amanda Schwartz, Hannah Johnson, Neha Vellanki and Evelyn Lee all did an excellent job on defense to keep the Cats from scoring.

Coach Leaf Huynh felt that the team deserved the win for their hard work throughout the season.

“The girls completely earned the win against Los Gatos,” Huynh said. “They listened to the strategy we had talked about and the defense was composed and confident in their play to feed into the attack.

Huynh thinks the team’s 1-2-3 record, as of Oct. 7, is a good reflection of how the team is doing, but she feels that some of the team’s ties should have been wins.

“We have three ties where we completely dominated all games with about 75%-85% ball possession,” Huynh said. “It will make them that much more determined to play well as a unit the next time we play the other two league foes- Gilroy and Los Altos.”

Huynh said she has many goals for the season, the players, and the team in general.

“We want them to succeed in becoming better hockey players and student athletes, but most importantly gain integrity and dedication to grow as young ladies,” Huynh said.

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