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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Clubs fundraise for Japan around school

Pained by witnessing the tsunami and earthquake that hit Japan in early March, students around school have been holding fundraisers to aid those who were unfortunately victimized in Japan. In one instance, Saratoga’s Key Club, Interact Club, Red Cross Club, Tzu Chi Club, and CSF Club teamed up to create an opportunity drawing for Japan tsunami relief with Apple products as the prizes.

The tickets for the opportunity drawing have been sold during lunchtime as well as tutorials at the top of the quad steps for $5 each. The clubs all donated money from their individual club funds to purchase all the Apple prizes consisting of a brand new iPad 2 and iTouch. All the money made from the selling of the tickets will be donated to Japan.

“We brainstormed through many ideas to try to come up with a fundraiser that we could actually carry out,” said Key Club officer Anthony Sutardja. This is one of the first time such a large club collaboration has occurred to fundraise together.

“It presents a more united front,” Red Cross Club vice president Nicole Borda. “It is more efficient so that there aren’t multiple different fundraisers happening at once.”

The Red Cross Club had sent out envelopes that were distributed to all classes during a certain class period to collect any donations that students wanted to give.

“We distributed the envelopes right away because many students wanted to donate to the cause but weren’t sure how. Passing out envelopes is a great way to fundraise,” said Borda. “We ended up receiving over $750 in donations from students, staff, and even parents.”

Raising money through a pearl milk tea sale, the Culinary Club held a fundraiser where Q-Cup pearl milk tea and green tea pound cake was sold. The club raised over $150 from the sale which was all donated to Japan.

“Despite some organizing issues with the Tzu Chi Club because our fundraisers were so close, “ said said Culinary Club President Megan Yen, “the fundraiser was successful in the end and everything worked out because people knew the money was for a good cause.”

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