Have you ever wondered about the posters in the J-Room? Many of them are donated by previous classes with words of appreciation sprawled all over them, and others are a collage of randomness, ranging from helpful design tips to funny quotes. I often find myself staring at a few of these, and these are the best to enjoy:

- Talisman Dr.
Why do we have two green and white “Talisman Dr.” street signs and zero Falcon Dr. street signs? Does anyone want to rename their street and then “borrow” the sign?
- Frozen
Too happy for a 9-5 workplace.
- The numerous design posters scattered around the room
These few posters really help with layout assignments. Especially if you have no idea what you’re doing or what needs to be done.
- “If at First You Don’t Succeed, You’re in Good Company”
Always a great way to boost your mood whenever you’re feeling down about something. You also learn a bit of history as an amazing side. Did you know that even presidents have gone bankrupt?
- Dune
Good movies. Good book series. As we wait for the third installment of “Dune,” one can use this poster to speculate what comes next. Alternatively, if you read Frank Herbert’s famed series, you can ponder what changes the screenwriters will opt for. All are great things to do for us nerd writers while in the J-room.
- La La Land
Very eye-catching vibrant poster that stands out from the others. Unfortunately, this is way too romantic and emotional for a newspaper workplace.
- “Where the HECK is Wall Drug”
Where the heck is wall drug? Alternatively, if you do know where wall drug is, ask did someone actually go to Wall, South Dakota for this poster?
- Leading Lines
The usage of yellow and blue usually isn’t a color pairing that comes to mind; however, I think this poster makes it work really well by fitting it in naturally with swimming. The vibrant yellow is able direct your attention to the main attraction: the swimmer. The swimming lanes help direct center the artwork horizontally, whilst having negative space on both sides of the swimmer centers the attention vertically.
- “Max Occupancy of This Room NOT to Exceed 8,000 People”
Maybe one day journalism will be popular enough to reach this max capacity.
- “There is a $5 Charge for Whining”
I find this one really funny because I like to complain a lot, especially about my own journalism stories. I would be at least a hundred in debt if this poster were true.