With just seconds remaining, defender junior Brennan Pak sprinted down the field with his lacrosse stick, eyes locked on the approaching attacker in the away game against Gunn last season. In one swift move, he lunged forward, intercepting the pass — just like the countless drills he had practiced with his sister, senior Emmy, in their backyard. Well-versed in the game, Emmy instinctively raised her camera from the sidelines, snapping the perfect photo — Brennan in full stride, the ball secure in his stick and a mixture of determination and focus etched on his face.
Both athletes, siblings Brennan and Emmy feel each other’s support in small, yet ever-present ways. Currently, Brennan plays football and lacrosse at school, while Emmy plays volleyball at school and at City Beach Volleyball in Fremont.

Emmy plays libero — a defensive position — and competes for the school team during the fall, whereas her club season with City Beach’s 18’s team spans most of the rest of the year. As of February, it is competition season for her club team. There are tournaments almost every weekend in January and March, leading to finals at the end of the season in April.
In football, Brennan plays running back, linebacker and sometimes receiver. Last season, he was recognized as a First Team All-League linebacker, distinguishing him as one of the top players at his position in the 9-team Lake League. Initially joining football in his freshman year due to persuasion from friends, Brennan grew to love the sport and has been playing ever since. Football is more of a year-round sport for Brennan, while lacrosse is seasonal. In lacrosse, he plays goalie and enjoys it as the position allows him to have control over the defense and a constant awareness of the rest of the field.
Brennan started playing lacrosse in his sophomore year after injuring the labrum in his right arm playing volleyball. The injury mainly affects overhead movements and began in the years prior, but thinking it was just wear-and-tear, Brennan continued to play. Eventually, he noticed the injury affecting his performance and confidence, leading him to quit volleyball last year. Looking to start another sport, Brennan chose lacrosse because it requires less overhead moves and translates closely to football.
Despite their differing sports journeys, Brennan feels Emmy’s support at every game.
“Emmy’s a photographer for Yearbook, and since she likes watching football, she comes to many of my games,” Brennan said. “She takes photos and even creates graphics to help promote our games. But mainly, it’s just nice to see her there, cheering me on.”

Before his arm injury last year, Brennan was also a standout player in volleyball. Emmy started the sport in 8th grade at Mountain View Volleyball Club. Inspired, Brennan began playing volleyball shortly after in his 7th grade at City Beach. The next year, Brennan switched to Bay to Bay Volleyball Club as City Beach no longer had a boys’ team, and Emmy switched to City Beach as she felt more comfortable in that environment. Although they never played on the same team or club, their shared love for volleyball deepened their connection.
“It was great to have someone who understood the game to talk to,” Emmy said. “We helped one another and were able to grow together which really brought us closer.”
When the two got the chance to practice together, Brennan would help Emmy perfect her arm swing while she coached him on defensive techniques. They would swap tips from their individual practices and push each other to get more reps in. Their shared competitiveness makes them a great team, coupled with their mutual desire to see each other succeed. Watching each other improve also motivates them to work harder.
Even now, as their sports paths have diverged, their constant support for each other has just adapted to fit their evolving journeys.
“Now, we’ll sometimes just go outside and play lacrosse, or just throw a football around,” Emmy said. “It’s just these little things that make all the difference. No matter where we are in our own sports, we’re still there for each other.”
But, with Emmy graduating this year, Brennan knows things will be different next year. The sibling dynamic they’ve shared for so long — practicing together, supporting each other at games and celebrating each other’s victories — will shift.
“I’ll definitely miss going to her volleyball games, especially home games where all my friends and I get super loud,” Brennan said. “It’ll also be pretty sad to not see her at my games as she takes great photos and her presence is really motivating.”
Despite the changes to come, the Paks’ say their shared love for competition and support for one another will continue to strengthen their bond, no matter where life takes them.