Imagine the blaring sound of your alarm in the morning. Now, imagine hearing it eight times in a row in 10-minute intervals because you keep hitting snooze. When you finally shoot up in bed and grab your phone, you spend the next 30 minutes mindlessly scrolling on Instagram until you realize you’re running late. The panic sets in.
As someone who is the opposite of a morning person, I am especially thin skinned in the first couple of hours of the day. Here’s a list of my worst morning annoyances that are sure to provoke me in my most irritable state:
5.) The vacuum or other loud noises
Hearing the roar of the vacuum first thing in the morning is one of my least favorite sounds in the world, right after my ringtone. Coupled with my dogs barking and the rackety sound of the blender, the sounds rattle my brain out of its REM cycle, setting my day up poorly before it even begins.
4.) Snoozing too much
I usually set my alarm one hour before I actually need to wake up because I hit the snooze button so frequently. Still, I usually end up snoozing even more, and by the time I get up, it’s way past when I should have. Speaking of which…
3.) Waking up and it’s 8 a.m.
Few things are worse than waking up in a cold sweat and checking my phone, seeing that it’s already 8 a.m. and that I have only half an hour to get to school. The moment of panic as I’m trying to get ready is one of the worst feelings in the morning. It feels like I’m racing against a ticking time bomb, scrambling across my room to get my clothes, brush my teeth and — if time permits — grab something to eat. Yes, I’m speaking from experience, because I’ve done this more times than I’d like to admit. Every time, I think, “Surely, tomorrow morning will be different.”
2.) Forgetting my English homework at home
After spending 2 painstaking hours reading and annotating four chapters of “Frankenstein” for homework, the worst feeling is realizing I’ve left it in my room. Arriving the first thing in the morning to English class empty-handed of last night’s hard work on the book hurts more than anything.
- Being late to period 2 journalism
Due to all the aforementioned factors, there’s a good chance that I might be late to journalism class in the morning. Seeing the absolute heartbreak on Mr. Tyler’s face when I walk in late to class is enough to upset me for the whole day.
There are many things that could annoy me in the morning, and this is a short list of the most brutal ones that are sure to make me grumpy. Honestly, maybe my gripes with the morning are a wake-up-call (pun intended) for me to just rip the band-aid off and wake up at my first alarm, and all my struggles will be avoided.