Each year, nearly 40% of Americans set a New Year’s resolution, but most give up by February.
Three of those who have stuck to their resolutions are juniors Mindi Hendley, Tina Mohr and Ishir Ayyagari. The Falcon asked them how they’re succeeding and got some useful tips.
Tip No. 1: Be regular with your workouts and have a partner
For the past two months, Hendley and Mohr have held themselves and each other accountable to their resolutions by going to the gym every Red Day, during their free first periods. They stress the importance of completing homework the night before rather than rushing to finish it the morning of their first period. Moreover, by using a buddy system, they make sure to stay consistent with their routine as they work out together and carpool to the gym.
“If one day I don’t feel like going, I still have to go because Tina wants to go,” Hendley said.
Hendley and Mohr bought their gym memberships for Vim + Vigor Fitness in November, when the gym was offering a holiday discount, but they didn’t start out attending the gym consistently at first. However, the new year brought a new drive to work out regularly.
The two juniors recommend the gym as the machinery at Vim + Vigor Fitness is modern and works well for their workouts, which currently include leg and arm exercises.
Tip No. 2: Set concrete goals for improvement
Ayyagari, for his part, has been frequenting the gym for over a year and a half at the Los Gatos Swim and Racquet Club. He has completed previous workout goals — such as deadlifting 315 pounds — and is resolved to reach 345 pounds by the end of this year.
Ayyagari goes to the gym six times a week and eats at least 200 grams of protein every day. To accomplish this, he eats at least two chicken breasts a day, in addition to the protein found in everyday foods.
Despite any momentary thoughts of taking a break from his strict schedule, he reminds himself of why he is working toward the goal in the first place. Not only is going to the gym like a reward in itself to Ayyagari, but he also enjoys the feeling he gets from breaking a personal record. He enjoys working out, but for beginners trying to get started, his strongest advice is always look towards the goal.
“Think of your end goal every time you are tempted, and evaluate how much you want the current distraction, [compared to] how much you want your end goal. That usually helps me stay on top of my diet and lifting schedule,” Ayyagari said.
No. 3: Find sources of inspiration
Some YouTubers Ayyagari watched when starting out were Max Taylor and Sam Sulek. They helped him get a feel for working out and connecting with a gym-going community. Starting out with influencers was a heavy motivator, which also helped guide him through the early stages of working out. He also works out at home, and recommends doing so if you aren’t comfortable going out yet.
A typical workout for Ayyagari includes utilizing machines and focusing on muscle building and growth. He believes that, if he hadn’t learned to workout from influencers at the beginning and instead been unable to decide his workout regime, he wouldn’t have achieved the same progress as he has made today.
Learning how to love going to the gym is another big part of Ayyagari’s commitment. He considers it is much easier to find motivation when he finds something to enjoy in the gym. For him, the gym is a great relaxer and helps him relieve stress.
Despite the stark difference in their goals, Hendley, Mohr and Ayyagari have been successful in their routines and think others can also succeed, even if they have self-doubt at first.
“Beginners should focus on believing they can achieve their goal,” Ayyagari said. “It comes a lot easier if you aren’t hesitant.”