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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Softball: Freshman gains respect, leads team

Within just a few years of learning how to walk, freshman Tivoli Sisco was already throwing a softball around the yard.

Since age 6, Tivoli has been playing catcher for multiple recreation and club softball teams. Now she thrives in the competitive environment as one of the few freshmen on varsity with her dad, Ray Sisco, as her coach and her two sisters, senior pitcher Raven Sisco and junior pitcher Talia Sisco, on the team with her as well.

“There is more expected of me as a player on varsity, so there are a lot of challenges,” said Sisco. “That’s exactly what I love about it.”

The upperclassmen on the team respect the younger players who, in many cases, have just as much if not more experience with the sport.

“Our team is definitely really young, ” said Talia. “However, many of our girls have played club softball, so we’re technically more experienced.”

Being a freshman comes with many consequences, of course. The one thing Tivoli dreads about practice is being the one to lug all of the equipment back and forth.

“Being on the team itself is a lot of fun. The most difficult thing about being the youngest is probably the responsibility of getting all of the helmets,” laughed Tivoli.

The Lady Falcons so far have a record of 1-5 as of early April. They lost 11-8 to Cupertino on March 16. Earlier, on March 14, the team managed to secure its first victory of the season against Scotts Valley on March 14, winning 3-1. On March 11, they lost 12-0 to King’s Academy.

So far into the season, Tivoli is leading the team with a .367 batting average.

“We’re playing teams that are better than us,” said Tivoli. “That’s what is making us better.”

Tivoli hopes the team improves on defense and is be able to compete with the tougher teams. For herself, however, Tivoli has a bit more of an ambitious goal.

“I want to be able to hit over the fence at our field this year,” she said. “It’s been a goal of mine for a really long time!”

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