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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Buildings and grounds commission plans to paint mural

Arriving on school grounds, many students see a school whose appearance could be improved. Some even go as far to say that the school resembles a “jail.”

This is why the buildings and grounds commission is wants to have a mural painted on the back wall of the school on the science building.

Buildings and grounds, a relatively new commission, consists of students who are passionate about transforming the school into a more beautiful place. The commission includes senior Parisa Mirzadegan, senior Synthia Ling, senior Krista Chow, senior Tyler Jew, junior Ali Shenasa and sophomore Allison Bruno.

Mirzadegan, head of the commission, is determined to beautify the school and change students’ minds about the school’s appearance.

“We’re planning on putting plants around the school and in the parking lot and painting a mural on the back wall near the science building,” said Mirzadegan.

The commission has been planning on painting this mural since the beginning of the school year, mainly collaborating over messages through Facebook in addition to meeting a few times during the school year.

“The mural will make the school a brighter place,” said Bruno. “Now when people drive by the back of the school they will have something cool on back wall to see.”

The commission is working with staff member Spencer Sands, a technology assistant on campus, to paint the mural. What the actual mural will be is currently undecided because the commission is still taking student suggestions in a box in the office. The commission has also created a Facebook group where students can give suggestions about what the mural should be.

“This mural will not only be for the students but will also be
painted by the students. That way, more students can get involved in making the school a more beautiful place,” said Mirzadegan.

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