As the summer warmth fades and the overwhelming schoolwork slowly re-emerges, nature pays no attention and instead puts on a vibrant display of colors. Despite the late nights completing homework, I find that the palette of reds, oranges and yellows balances out my rising academic stress, offering solace.
Every autumn, I stroll around Saratoga, capturing different leaves throughout the city with either my phone or a Canon EOS Rebel T7. Ever since I received my first phone in 2017, I have always brought it around and snapped photos of whatever looks nice. I am always drawn to taking photos of the leaves in the fall, as those colors only appear once a year.
In fall, deciduous trees aren’t difficult to distinguish. In my backyard, a prairie sumac glows a vibrant crimson under the sunlight. I started taking photos of it each year around my birthday in October because the colors were the most saturated then.
If your backyard is devoid of deciduous trees and full of verdant evergreens, then the SHS campus is the perfect place for you, as it is home to countless color-changing trees. For instance, sweetgum trees drop large star-shaped leaves near the front pick-up area, leaving bright red and brown leaves on the green grass.
Several Crepe myrtle trees litter leaves around the quad, popping out with significant variations in color — from deep reds to mellow yellows. This allows for an easy shot: You can stage your photo with countless leaves on the ground or a leaf barely hanging on to its tree after a barrage of rain.
And if you feel like going for a walk, Saratoga hides countless invigorating hiking trails in and near the mountains, my favorites being the Montalvo Arts Center trails and Sanborn County Park.
On the Sam Trail in Sanborn, you traverse over rocks and logs to make multiple river crossings. Besides the creek flowing next to you and the small waterfalls around you, the colorful leaves grasp your attention once you go beyond the river crossing near the start of the trail. In addition, on either side of you is a mixture of green ferns and yellow and brown maple leaves.
If you prefer more of a light walk, visit Montalvo. With Ginkgo biloba’s warm yellow leaves scattered across the expansive front lawn, you’ll find a picturesque shot at the Arts Center on your stroll. The golden leaves contrast with the backdrop of a green lawn and white mansion, providing a great foreground and background for photos.
But autumn isn’t just about photos; it’s about forming memories. As I click away and point the camera down to look at the small, colorful screen, I remember the family hikes and chilly mornings on quad benches, watching the vibrant leaves fly wistfully by.