- Schoolfront Oak Tree
The large, old oak tree in front of the small gym is a solid landmark for any students who bike or walk past. The benches around it also provide a place for students to sit near a nice display of flowers.

- Schoolfront China Roses
These colorful roses on the path of the main entrance complete the display alongside the large oak tree, welcoming students for a busy day ahead.

- Music Entrance Russian Sage Bush
If you enter the campus from the music building entrance, this lavender-like bush adds a nice touch of color to the space between the music building and the College and Career Center next to the cafeteria.

- Annex Daylilies
These low-lying, vibrant yellow flowers give a nice pop of color at the foot of the ramp to the right of the Annex. However, they tend to go unnoticed due to their obscure location.

- Saratoga Garden Tulips
These bright pink, red and yellow tulips can be found blooming in the SHS Garden located near the ASSIST building, completing a collection of many different flowers and plants. If you never knew there was a garden, it’s definitely worth going to check it out.

- Quad Redwood Trees
These towering trademarks of the school, dating back to the founding of SHS in the late ‘50s, watch over the students every lunch. It’s an iconic sight for all students that go to the cafeteria to get lunch pass by and provides some nice shade for a couple of seats near their base.

- Math Quad Loquat Tree
A true centerpiece of the math quad, the tree and the bench around it provide plenty of shade for math students waiting for their classes, and even loquat fruits during the spring for adventurous eaters.

- Hallway Paper Flowers
A vibrant purple that adorns the walls of the backmost hallway, providing a nice sight for any students going to media arts, science or engineering classes.

- Annex Bush Clock Vine
These tall flowers grow sporadically along the MAP Annex wall across from the engineering lab, reaching out towards the sky. In the wintertime, the flowers drop down to line the ramp beneath them in a swath of pink and purple.

- Library Cape Leadwort
Stationed at the side of the hallway near the Library Tech Office, the flowers on this bush display a brilliant blue color found nowhere else on campus. A true beauty from all angles.