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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Junior class successfully hosts Holiday Boutique

Enchiladas, handbags, jewelry, poinsettias—these and many other items were for sale Dec. 4 as the school hosted its annual Holiday Boutique in the Little Theater and cafeteria.

After a great success at the boutique last year, the junior class jumped at the opportunity to host the event. This year’s boutique hosted more than 40 vendors and received much positive feedback, according to junior class adviser and Spanish teacher Arnaldo Rodriguex, who sold enchiladas and tamales at the event.

“I sold nearly all of my enchiladas and tamales, which was a personal success,” Rodriguex said. “Overall it was definitely a successful event and the juniors who came were definitely a lot of help.”

Science teacher Jill McIntyre participated in the boutique by selling homemade jewelry. McIntyre decided to sell in this year’s boutique because it seemed like a good way to contribute to the junior class.

“I think there was a nice variety of items this year,” McIntyre said. “However, [the boutique] was a little less crowded than last year’s.”

The junior class made $2,500 from the vendors and from selling poinsettias, hot chocolate, pastries, lunch and jewelry.

“For the amount of money we made and the time we put in, it was a great fundraiser for our class,” said junior co-vice president Nicole Shadman. “We made a pretty big dent in the rest of the money we need to make for the rest of the year, which is awesome.”

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