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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Let’s leave turtlenecks in the past, where they belong

Shirina Cao
 A turtleneck constricts a woman’s neck.

There are numerous awful trends that plague today’s fashion scene — barrel jeans, capri pants and socks with sandals, to name a few. But there is one that stands out above all: turtlenecks. From their aesthetic to their level of comfort, everything about them is simply undeserving of the hype. 

I was 8 when I first tried on a ribbed brown turtleneck, and I regretted it immediately. My neck started to itch, my body heated up and I was suffocated by the irritating fabric. Throughout the day, I tried to adjust to the feeling of fabric on my neck, but my discomfort never diminished. 

First popularized in the 1920s, turtlenecks were all the rage for women and men alike. They were practical and formal, serving as a replacement for a button up shirt and tie. A hundred years later, they have sadly been revived. Yes, they were cute when  they were deemed retro and professional,now they are impossible to pull off. 

Hoodies, sweatpants, shorts, skirts, sweaters and other staple articles of clothing never work when styled with a turtleneck. Additionally, turtlenecks often only come in black or white, and look awfully unflattering in other bright colors.

I will admit, a chunky knitted turtleneck sweater can be cute, especially in the freezing winter. However, the tight long sleeve shirts with tight neck holes that are more commonly worn today are just too uncomfortable. Additionally, for turtlenecks to be wearable, they require pairing very specific items of clothing together, such as flannels and trousers. 

Despite my traumatizing fashion experience when I was 8, I believed in second chances. I tried a turtleneck again when I turned 14, styling it with jewelry, a zip up jacket and jeans. It didn’t look great but wasn’t completely ugly either, so I was satisfied. Yet, when I got to school I received countless “What are you wearing?” comments and the occasional: “Do you have a hickey?” I learned one thing for certain: Don’t ever wear turtlenecks again. If you want to be warm, wear a scarf. If you want a professional look, wear a blazer. 

Just please don’t EVER wear a turtleneck. 

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