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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Try a strange but delectable food combination: Doritos dipped in cupcake frosting

Jane Lee
Try it before you judge me…

It’s universally acknowledged that the frosting to cupcake ratio on store-bought cupcakes is way too high for enjoyment; there’s simply too much sugary, oily frosting for the tiny, sweet sponge. To make matters worse, the frosting sticks to the roof of your mouth, inducing a gag reflex.

Luckily, at parties that serve cupcakes, there often seems to be bags of cheesy, savory and overall delicious Doritos lying around — dipping those Doritos into the  sickly cupcake frosting is the perfect way to combat the queasiness. 

Enjoying this delectable monstrosity is a simple procedure: Use the concave shape of the chips as a spoon to scoop the perfect amount of frosting; typically, an average Costco cupcake contains enough frosting for about five Doritos. It’s important to remember that, at the end of your dipping experience, there needs to be a thin layer of frosting remaining on the cupcake so that it isn’t just a dry lump. As a result, the cupcake to frosting ratio is much more enjoyable after applying this advanced technique. At the end of the day, you kill two birds with one stone: eliminating the icky post-cupcake experience while making yourself a tasty snack.

Although this snack might sound disgusting to some, the saltiness of Doritos perfectly pairs with the artificial sweetness of frosting. Like a chocolate-covered pretzel, the sweet and salty rollercoaster of taste leaves consumers, like yours truly, with a strange sense of satisfaction and a craving for more.

For a greater variety of flavor, I suggest pairing different Dorito flavors with an assortment of cupcake frostings. For example, if you’re searching for something with a bit of a tang, the zesty Cool Ranch Dorito is the way to go.  The Nacho Cheese Doritos, on the other hand, provide a cheesy punch to contrast the sweet frosting. The different flavors of Doritos all provide their own unique flavor palette, so experimenting is the best way to discover new tastes.

I’ve received weird looks and snarky comments from non-believers who refuse to experience the delicacy of cupcake-frosting-flavored Doritos, but I’ll continue to recruit my friends to my cause. If you’re all about trying new foods, try this unimaginable food combination. I guarantee you won’t regret it.

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