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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Lacrosse: After a canceled year, teams rebound to complete their seasons

Emmy Pak
Junior Sawyer Chao sprints towards the ball during home game on March 11. The game against Gunn ended with a loss for the Falcons. 

Girls’ lacrosse ends season with a 3-9 record, wins last two games

To end their season, the girls’ lacrosse team beat Wilcox 13-4 away on April 24 and narrowly beat Mountain View at home 8-7 during  their senior night game on April 29. 

Sophomore midfielder Mindi Hendley noted that the team’s early season losses were primarily due to inexperienced players who immensely improved towards the second half of the season. 

“A lot more people signed up than expected — thankfully lots of freshmen pulled through to play lacrosse for the first time to make the team actually happen,” Hendley said. “[Because there was no official]  team last year, most of the team had never touched a stick before this season, so no matter how hard we practiced, it was hard to win against athletes who have been training together for years.” 

Head coach Kate Cortese noted that the team had the skills to win, but lacked organization and played below their potential in the first halves of the games. The team also struggled with losing draws and forfeiting the ball due to unfavorable passes. 

So after focusing on passes and ground ball fights as  the season progressed during practices, the team looked stronger in their later matchups. 

“I believe that going straight to compete in a varsity league is what really pushed all of us to get better quickly,” Hendley said. “Next season, we will definitely showcase all the effort and hard work we have been putting in.”

Boys’ lacrosse ends season with a 6-8 record, plays inconsistently throughout the season

Boys’ lacrosse won their senior night game at home against Latino College Preparatory 4-3 on May 6 and lost their final game 3-4 on May 8 against the same team. Under head coach Ian Morran’s guidance, the team did not have a significant shift in game results during the season, as they both won and lost games regularly. 

According to senior defender Kyle Scola, the team’s poor early performances was the result of not practicing the right way. 

“Halfway through the season, we got a lot more serious,” Scola said. “We would scrimmage each other a lot and take [practices] more seriously, [instead of] joking around.”

With star players like Scola and senior midfielder Daniel Cordova graduating, the team is looking to players like sophomore midfielder Peter Faraone and junior midfielder Sawyer Chao to  lead the team next season.

“I hope they take it more seriously and give it their all next year,” Scola said. “I hope they put in all the work.”

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