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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Elementary school: the most enjoyable time of my life

Saachi Jain
Me with my best friends, now-juniors Juhi Karamcheti and Beverly Xu, during the May Day Parade in 3rd grade, 2016.

As we grow up, the reality of approaching adult life begins to descend. Due mainly to college-related pressures, many of us sacrifice our former free time in favor of extracurriculars. 

In elementary school, however, life was very different. Each day was a blank canvas, ready for me to paint with whatever fun and games I wanted. If there was a single day I could go back and relive, it would be any day of elementary school, when life was free of worries about my future and success. 

A typical day for me started before the 8:30 bell. My friends and I met at 8:15 to play tetherball. Though it was a silly ritual with far too many bonks to the head, it quickly became one of the most memorable aspects from that time. 

If it was a special day, the whole class would play a game such as Capture the Flag, or someone would bring cupcakes to share with the class on their birthday. These little traditions were a staple in my life at the time, but have since been lost as life became more busy.

After school was over, everyone would go to Clubhouse, the after-school care program provided by the school. Clubhouse was easily my favorite part of elementary school because of the close bonds I forged with my friends and the staff over the years.

At Clubhouse, we would finish homework, play games, do arts and crafts and eat snacks. Though it served as a time filler until my parents could pick me up, I always looked forward to the few hours where I could play Wii Sports and run around the playground. 

Looking back, I realize how thoroughly I enjoyed almost every day I was in elementary school, and I’d jump at the chance to experience it again — even for just a day.

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