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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Top 10 things to do as a senior

Leyna Chan
Seniors trying out new activities.

10. Senior trip

The long-awaited taste of freedom seniors wait for when they graduate. Everyone wants to blow off $10K on vacation with their friends before spending $100K on tuition next year.

9. Scare juniors

I just love telling juniors how difficult college applications are.

8. Visit colleges

The teachers will really appreciate the random week where I’m gone in March visiting my potential homes for the next four years. 

7. Show up late

If every senior is coming into class at 8:40 anyway, we might as well push the start time back. 

6. Shame the underclassmen

We wouldn’t really shame them, maybe just laugh at them preparing summer applications as if they were seniors doing college applications. Fools.

5. Go hiking

Spice up your life after being a hermit for the entire fall semester. Everyone should touch grass before graduation.

4. Try something new

What else are you going to do to fill the empty void now that applications are over? Pick up a hobby, maybe become an alpha-male gym bro.

3. Graduation Night

Nothing like having an emotional night with friends you’ll likely never see all in the same place again.

2. Senior Prom

Of course I want to stand in the freezing cold with a dress and painful heels all night. 

1. Graduate!

You’re a senior, this was the whole end to your journey!

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