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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Top 10: assignment due dates

Nicole Lee
A Journalism self-evaluation being turned in late.

10. Weekends/holidays. You want me to stress about homework during break? (I’m sorry, I’m kidding; I’ll turn it in whenever you want for a good grade.)

9. 6 p.m. I personally have not experienced this yet. But to all teachers who do this, I’m genuinely curious: do you do this on purpose? Or has your grading ability been possessed by the ancient soul of a sleep-deprived vampire? 

8. 9 p.m. I just feel bad for all the band kids who end practice when these assignments are due.

7. Midnight I feel like I’m having a heart attack whenever I open Canvas to submit my paper and see that it was due at midnight.

6. 3 p.m. After school? A decent time, but that means I’ll probably forget to click submit after I get back home.

5. 3 a.m. Mixed feelings. It’s not as common of a due date, so I might accidentally think it’s due in the evening on that day, thus turning in my assignment late. However, it’s also later than midnight, meaning I have more time to work on it…

4. 11:59 p.m. A classic. You can’t go wrong with 11:59 p.m. When I see a paper assigned, I’m going to expect it to be due at 11:59 p.m.

3. 8 a.m. Amazing. I can stay up as late as I want and will still (probably) finish it on time.

2. Beginning of next class. So I can procrastinate until I end up doing it during my other classes? Yes please. 

1. End of next class. The best of the best. I don’t have to work on it the day before and I’ll be able to work on it in class? Sign me up.

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