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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Field hockey team celebrates growth and perseverance as season ends

Will Norwood
In a game against Homestead on Oct. 18, the Falcon’s senior night, senior Georgia Adams pushes against an opposing player, racing to get to the ball. 

Earlier this year, low numbers forced head coach Jatin Sharma to merge the JV and varsity squads. In the weeks after, the Falcons increased the rigor of their practice in preparation for tough opponents.

On Oct. 18, the team went against Homestead for their senior night and left the field tied with a score of 0-0 after a seven-player, seven-minute overtime. 

Key junior center back Zinneerah Ahmed was unable to attend senior night, which meant that the team’s defense was lacking in strength, something that they had struggled with the whole season.
Captain Kayla Steele said the team sometimes struggled after moving up to the more competitive De Anza division. 

As of Oct. 20, the team had a 2-8-1 record. On Oct. 13, the team lost 3-0 to Saint Francis, 7-1 on Oct. 11 against St. Ignatius, 5-0 on Oct. 6 to Mitty, 11-0 on Oct. 4 to Los Gatos. They celebrated their second win of the season with a score of 3-0 against Palo Alto on Sept. 29.

“We had two wins over teams that we thought were going to be tougher matchups,” the captain, senior center midfielder Georgia Adams, said. “But we really stuck together and pushed through them.”

Adams emphasized that the heavy practice rigor helped underclassmen who were formerly on the JV team steadily improve their skills. With the merging of both the teams, Adams said it was necessary to boost morale.

But staying healthy was difficult for many players such as Ahmed, who injured her thumb, and senior half back Lucy Campbell, who suffered stress fractures to her shins.

Regardless of these injuries, the team remained confident they would finish the season with their head high. 

“Some of the younger players will really have to step up,” Adams said. “I think a lot of these underclassmen have the potential to be really great.” 

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