The Student News Site of Saratoga High School

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

100-word rave: Space heaters —the ground warming invention keeping us cozy

My space heater sitting comfortably under my table.

It’s the middle of February, but the central cooling is still blasting in my room. I’m shivering violently in my ice-block of a chair right after a steaming-hot shower, only to go outside and find my family and myself stuck in a battle over control of the thermostat. 

Lunchtime? I’m moving the thermostat up. 

Trying to finish homework but my toes have gone numb? Venture out into the corridor to move the thermostat back up. 

Middle of the night and my nose has turned red? I’m shivering my way out the door to turn the thermostat up again. 

This cycle continues on for an endless period of time. But then — a glorious black box with a grid and a plug-in wire graces my room, and I’m no longer entrapped in the Thermostat Wars. I have control over the temperature in my room. Gone are the days when my room turned into a stuffy furnace during 10 minutes of central heating. Not too hot, not too cold — my space heater is always warming up my toes from under the table. 

Need to evade your own Thermostat Wars? 

Get yourself a space heater.

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