The Student News Site of Saratoga High School

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Top 10 places to cry

10) The vegetable aisle at the supermarket. Bonus points if you include onions in your routine.


9) At home, listening to music. Those slowed + reverb remixes hit especially hard.


8) Inside a bathroom stall. No one is going to notice more fluid traveling in a downward direction here.


7) In bed, hugging a large tub of ice cream. Rainbow Sherbet always makes the pain go away.


6) At a wedding. Vent your pent-up feelings and show all those fake-crying pretenders how it’s done at the same time.


5) In your gaming chair. Instead of blaming the rest of your team for losing, take your loss like a champ and lament your skill issue obnoxiously.


4) In the loving arms of your significant other (significant other not included).


3) In class, during a group project. The expectations of your teachers and classmates are completely unreasonable, so your sulking is justified.


2) At the gym. Exercise and crying both release endorphins, so why not double the efficiency and do both at once? 


1) On your couch, listening to “Certified Lover Boy” for the first and last time.

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