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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Girls’ volleyball closes out their season with disappointing losses

Junior middle blocker Lisa Fung hits the ball as the other team’s players prepare to block.

The girls’ volleyball team’s losing season resulted from a young roster, adjusting to the style of new coach Thomas Ching and the unexpected exit of a key player in mid-October. 

As a result, the team won two league games, beating Milpitas on Sept. 9 and again on Oct. 26. The Falcons ended the season 6th out of 7 teams in the El Camino league with a 2-10 record.

“We definitely made a lot of mistakes this season that could have been avoided,” sophomore libero Natalie Chua said. “Though nobody said anything, losing so many games midseason was discouraging for the team.”

Prior to the season, many seniors decided to opt out of the sport due to COVID-19 concerns coupled with a lack of motivation to continue playing after the shortened 2020-21 season. As such, half the roster consisted of underclassmen who filled the vacant spots — a stark deviation from the traditional predominantly upperclassman varsity roster.

Additionally, right blocker Sonia Purisai, the only senior who had been on the team previously, decided to step away in midseason after being benched for one game by Ching over a jewelry rule violation.

“[Ching] told me to take out my earrings, and I couldn’t because they were newly pierced,” said Purisai. “Leaving the team was the best thing I could have done for my mental health and grades. I feel much happier and free because being in volleyball took so much of my energy.”

After Purisai’s departure, junior middle blocker Lisa Fung, originally a co-captain with Pursai, became the sole captain. 

Sophomore setter Ariel Zhou and junior setter Joanna Song filled Purisai’s position as the opposite hitter.

Without a senior to host a senior night for, the team planned a “Pink Out” on Oct. 21 to fundraise for breast cancer awareness. Attendees were encouraged to wear pink and donate online.

Junior middle blocker Anika Koganti coordinated the event, purchasing pink socks and hair ties for the team to wear. 

“I chose breast cancer awareness because our team wanted a pink theme, and it was already breast cancer awareness month,” Koganti said.

According to Fung, one silver lining of the troubling season was that underclassmen, who usually end up on the JV team, gained valuable experience playing in the varsity environment. 

“Though the team may lack teamplay elements due to player inexperience, this season has improved players individually,” Fung said. “Coach Ching has consistently worked with me on my hitting.”

Despite the rough results for a team that has often made CCS in the past, Fung thinks they can rebound next fall.

“I think the main thing we need to work on is consistency and focus,” Fung said. “Next season, I’m hoping that we can be more consistent, take the season more seriously and hopefully do better.”

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