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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Senior class to host talent show fundraiser

The seniors will host a talent show on April 7 in the McAfee Center to generate funds for their class. The show, organized by senior Chelsea Sabella, will replace Lip Sync, which has been canceled for the past three years because of low participation.
“We thought, what if we take kids who want to do Lip Sync, because we always get about three acts, and kids who really wanted to perform, and combined them,” said assistant principal Karen Hyde. “It seemed like a really really really good idea, so we’ll see how we do.”
Auditions will be held within the next two weeks and are open to all staff and students who have a skill they wish to showcase. The talent show prospects will be judged by a mixture a teachers and students in order to be as fair as possible.
Some of the details have yet to be hammered out, such as the cost of the show and whether a winner will be chosen.
“We’re trying to decide if there’s going to be judges and a winner or not [during the actual show], or if it’s just going to be like the talent shows we had when we were little,” said senior class president Maddy Renalds.
Despite the small decisions that still need to be made, the larger idea is clear—to showcase the unique talents that many students possess.
“We’ve got some really talented kids, so let’s showcase them,” said Hyde. “We’re talking real talent, not goofy stuff that on occasion you may see.”

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