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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Cart Creations spice up lunch menu

Returning from February break, students were surprised by new lunch offerings called “cart creations.” Starting this past Monday, themed cuisine carts for each week replaced the old, traditional lunch lines, with the results that a newer, more personalized lunch menu is now being offered.

According to Rick Kessler, the food consultant to the district, the first phase was to convert the mobile cart into a themed cuisine cart for each week. The themed food is freshly prepared and then plated to the student’s request right in front of them. For example, the first week was Italian theme with lasagna; pasta with pesto, alfredo or marinara sauce; spaghetti with meatballs; and rotini with chicken being offered. Students can choose their sauce, add meatballs or chicken and order their own “creation.” The beverage, snack and side items were the same.

The change was first proposed by the school district to enhance the school’s lunch menus and improve it. The cost of the new menu is the same as the old said Kessler.

The goal if this new lunch menu is to bring a little change and enhance the food service program.

“The cafeterias do an excellent job with the food service programs and there are marketing tools and programs that can enhance the existing program,” said Kessler. “We will work collaboratively with the cafeteria managers and staff to implement new menu ideas and programs. It is a team effort.”

A team of local consultants and its regional chef have been asked to design the preliminary menu. In the next few weeks, they will be meeting with ASB to get further feedback and ideas of what the student community would like to purchase. Both Los Gatos and Saratoga High have adopted this new menu.

“The food was really good, and it was nice to have variety,” said senior Divya Singh. “I think a lot more upperclassmen will stay on campus if the cafeteria food is better.”

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