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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

New club DECA gets down to business


Junior Karthik Annaamalai first learned about the DECA club from some friends at Monta Vista High School. Inspired by Monta Vista High’s huge DECA program, Annaamalai believed DECA would be a great club to start here.

With the help of juniors Harshil Sahai, Pia Mishra, Cassie Tran and friends at Monta Vista, Annaamalai worked to add DECA (which is in fact not an acronym) as an official club this past October. DECA helps students who have an interest in business, managing, marketing and entrepreneurship can gain more experience in the business world.

Similar to other competitive clubs such as speech and debate and Model United Nations, DECA competes against other schools throughout the school year. According to Annaamalai, there are different levels of competition based on how students perform.

In January, a competition in Northern California is usually hosted. If some DECA members do well in the NorCal competition, they can then compete in the state competition. From the state competition, students can then earn the opportunity to compete internationally.

“Just like track and field, there are different events in DECA for what you want to compete in or what you like doing,” said Annaamalai.

Events range from debate to marketing. Each event has a different standard and different books to study.

DECA club members practice by using the resources on the DECA website and by staying up with their reading.

Another upcoming event DECA has planned for second semester is a tour of the popular video game distributor and marketer Electronic Arts, or EA Games. DECA members will get the chance to talk to employees at the company and learn how the company markets and runs their successful business.

In addition to EA Games, the club will also receive a tour of Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino.

Silicon Valley DECA also hosts an annual fundraiser fashion show where all the Silicon Valley clubs come together.

“DECA is a great environment where students can practice marketing and entrepreneurship,” said Annaamalai.

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