I remember the thrill that I felt when I bounded into the library during my elementary school days. I adored the cozy atmosphere, the familiar librarian and, most of all, the “Rainbow Magic” book series by Daisy Meadows.
In elementary school, you would have found me looking through the section of the library dedicated entirely to the “Rainbow Magic” series, trying to find a book I hadn’t read yet. Even when the rest of my friends had moved on to “big kid series” like “Harry Potter” and “Percy Jackson,” I couldn’t get over my obsession with “Rainbow Magic.”
The books revolve around two girls, Kirsty and Rachel, who help their fairy friends defeat the evil Jack Frost and his goblins. Popular books in the series include “Ruby the Red Fairy,” “India the Moonstone Fairy” and “Sophie the Sapphire Fairy.”
I remember discovering the series during my elementary school’s book fair, where new books were displayed for purchase. Walking past cookbooks, sci-fi novels and glow-in-the-dark pens, I was drawn toward the stacks of Rainbow Magic books.
I immediately remember being enthralled by the colorful covers that portray an entirely new fairy on each book. The cover illustrated a detailed fairy with surrounding symbols that related to the character’s “speciality,” whether it was snowflakes or soccer.
It was fascinating to read Meadow’s showcase of a new fairy in every book, but to see how she still intertwined the greater fairy community by reintroducing previous characters and tying them into another plotline.
I loved how each new installment in the series presented a fairy with a unique personality, and of course, a fabulous outfit. I particularly remember Shannon the Ocean Fairy, who rocked a flowy seaweed tank top and a coral skirt adorned with seashells.
All the protagonists in the books are female, which was both relatable and empowering. What was even more appealing was the deep friendship Rachel and Kirsty shared and how they supported each other during every adventure. I appreciated how Meadows gave each girl a unique personality that showcased her individual strengths, beyond just being kind. While Rachael was caring and creative, I could relate more to Kirsty, who was quick on her feet and adventurous.
The books encouraged me to find my own way, just like Rachael and Kirsty did.
Although I haven’t picked up a “Rainbow Magic” book in years, I do consider the series to have greatly influenced my love for books, which I will carry with me for the rest of my life. In a strange way, the books have also invogarted my passion for creative writing, as they taught me that the seemingly “impossible” is what creates a riveting story.