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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Finding love at Saratoga Elementary

Hannah Johnson and Kyle Dozier met 21 years ago in kindergarten at Saratoga Elementary School. They just celebrated their 10-year anniversary.

After being friends for many years, they began dating in 2010 during their sophomore year of high school.

    “I’ve known that I wanted to marry Kyle for a very long time,” Hannah said. “People would make jokes in middle school and early high school about us getting married, and I would laugh, but part of me always had that hint of excitement at the idea.”

After graduating, Hannah went to UCSD and Kyle to Loyola Marymount University, where they were both college athletes: Hannah ran track and Kyle played baseball. Although they led very busy lives, they still stayed together and kept in touch through FaceTime, while letting the other have space to enjoy their newfound college independence.

Although they went to college near each other, the distance felt greater than it really was. The couple still managed to make weekend trips along the coast to visit each other whenever they could. 

    “It was fun to share our independent experiences with each other and meet the new friends that we made during visits,” Hannah said. “It was definitely challenging not seeing each other for extended periods of time, but it made the moments that we did get to spend together very special.”

    They’ve faced all milestones together: graduating college, buying their first apartment together and supporting each other’s first full-time jobs. They’ve been proud of one another throughout the journey. 

“I love sharing experiences with Kyle and living life together, making it easy being together for so long,” Hannah said. “Kyle keeps me grounded. He's level headed and knows exactly what will calm me down in times of sadness or stress. He is such a kind person, who growing up, was always the kid that would include others. It still holds true to this day.”

    The Doziers are now living in San Diego and hope to one day start a family. They continue to enjoy spending time with one another and sharing new experiences.

    ”Although people had their doubts about our relationship, we both knew how close we are,” Hannah said. “We’re best friends and forever will be.”


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