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The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Return to your childhood, watch “Home Alone”

During the holiday season, there’s nothing better than staying in, curling up with a fuzzy blanket and watching Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolate.

Cheesy romance and Hallmark movies are often seen as cliché or overdone, but the classic 1990 holiday movie “Home Alone” remains a childhood favorite for many.

When 8-year-old Kevin McCallister, played by Macaulay Culkin, is left home alone over Christmas, two burglars sneak into the neighborhood with the intent to rob the lavish McCallister house. Kevin plants booby traps around the house, waiting for the grown men to strike. He outsmarts them with his quick reflexes and creativity. 

Once the bandits are caught by the police, thanks to Kevin’s brilliant plan, his family returns to spend Christmas day with him. It’s a cliché ending, but it still makes for an entertaining movie.

As an adorable little kid, Kevin reminds people of their childhood, and of wanting to re-experience the good old days. The sense of protectiveness for Kevin throughout the movie is overwhelming.

The movie is easy to relate to; people can feel invisible even when they’re surrounded by others, but Kevin’s parents forgetting him when they go on vacation is a whole other level of being forgotten. His four siblings and six cousins are a pain, and Kevin bears the brunt of their teasing, as most younger siblings can understand. Many of the characters make people want to yell through the screen, but it’s enjoyable to connect with the protagonist on such a level. 

The way Kevin constantly outsmarts the two burglars reminds us that children can outsmart adults by using their creativity and different ideas, encouraging all of us to be more unique and to think outside the box.

The lovable main character adds to the movie’s wholesome vibe, and the hilarious implausibility of the film is what makes it so memorable. It’s one of the most enjoyable movies to watch with family and friends, regardless of age. 

“Home Alone” keeps people on the edge of their seats, laughing and yelling at the actors. It’s probably one of the best holiday movies to watch, and if you haven’t already, definitely watch it during winter break to really feel the Christmas spirit, “ya filthy animal.”

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