Top 10: ways to walk

December 19, 2022 — by Eric Shi
Photo by Eric Shi
The Doctor Livesy walk, among many different techniques, as pictured in the central person.
From walking normally to marching, the ways to get from point A to point B are almost limitless.
  1. Regular walking

The simplest way to get from point A to point B. Simple, effective, but bland.

  1. Speed-walking

Combining the efficiency of walking with the speed of running. It’s the perfect middle ground for anyone wanting to go relatively fast, but not tire themselves out.

  1. Sprinting

Very fast and efficient. The quickest way to get from point A to point B. The only downside is that it gets exhausting real fast.

  1. Walking without moving your arms

You’ll look like you’re gliding across the ground, given that people don’t look down at your feet.

  1. The inchworm

It’s going to hurt your stomach, especially if you do it on a hard surface like concrete, but it’s low profile and hard to mess up.

  1. Bear crawl

Get down on all fours and start moving forward using all of your limbs. It’s a bit slow and hard on your hands and knees, but that’s how a lot of animals do it, right?

  1. Marching

Walk like you mean it. Keep good form and make sure to follow a good rhythm.

  1. Galloping

It’s fast and fun, but just a bit energy consuming. Make sure to keep a steady pace and swing your arms high.

  1. NPC walk

Get into a set pattern and embrace the animation you’ve been programmed to perform. 

  1. Dr. Livesy walk (Refer to the graphic)

Thrust your chest up high, point your chin up, smile and walk with great swagger. Don’t forget the arms. Keep them swinging in a rhythmic fashion.

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